- Details:
- Written by Domobranec
- Category: Sylabus bludov a omylov Povstania '44
- Hits: 19650
Translation: Cindy Frances Svihalek
Already seventy years you lie to our grandfathers, fathers and us that Uprising ´44 was uprising of the Slovak nation!
In order to be true we would have to democatically assume that at least the majority of the Slovak nation of its own will uprose against its own state and its regime or, at least for this purpose it supported the Uprising ´44 of its own will. Indeed, the vast majority of the Slovak nation acted to the Uprising ´44 neutrally. It is illustrated the most by the attitude of Slovak workers from arms factories in Dubnica and Považská Bystrica. Though both of the factories were located in the immediate vicinity of the uprising territory, and who wanted could leave without any difficulties, just very few of Slovak workers have done so. Vast majority of the Slovak workers continued working and therefore helping the war effort of the Third Reich, against who – as the plotters of the Uprising ´44 agitated – in the first place should occur uprising...
The Uprising ´44 itself actively attended not even 3% of Slovak nation, only 18 000 soldiers from 90 000-member Slovak army, mostly forced, mainly on the basis of mobilization under the threat of the death penalty or on the basis of extended disinformation that German national socialists captured the president Jozef Tiso and militarily occupy Slovakia. Thus deceived couple of Slovak participants attended the Uprising ´44 – paradoxically – with purpose to defend Slovakia, its state and its that time political regime personified in the person of the president Tiso.
On the other hand the Uprising ´44 attended, with other than for the goodness of the Slovak nation orientated interests, many risers and partisans from more than twenty other nations, above average represented particularly by Czechs and more than 1600 Jews which presented almost the 10% Jewish representation in partisan division.
After the defeat of the Uprising ´44 at least three-quarters of its remaining Slovak participants had returned home. Even more of the Slovak participants would have done so if they weren´t afraid of reprisals of the German Armed Forces or if they weren´t so far from home.
We, The first generation of the Slovak youth after the 17th November 1989, due to the great disinterest of the Slovak nation in Uprising ´44 and due to the motivation of part of the Slovak participants on the basis of extended disinformation, - finally after seventy years – we won´t talk about the Uprising ´44 as of „Slovak national“ or as of „uprising for the goodness of the Slovak nation“, and under the abbreviation „SNU“ we recognize merely „Slovak national disaster“!
Already seventy years you juggle our grandfathers, fathers and ultimately also us that participants of the Uprising ´44 fought heroically!
Disinterest of most of the Slovak nation in the Uprising ´44 who resisted the extended disinformation have reflected in the disinterest in fighting and dying for its partial goal among which belonged seduction of the German Armed Forces to until then unoccupied area of Slovakia and subsequent armed uprising against them. It was usual that participants of the Uprising ´44 succumbed to panic and ran from the battlefield, aleternatively also from homes.
„Former uprise commanders, at the end of the life usualy colonels and generals in retirement, same as historians themselves have not explained us how is it possible that in the national uprising, in own country, against foreign occupying power the risers shown much weaker performance than e.g. in the first years of war against USSR, a war of which was written that have met in Slovak society with a great resistance and dislike,“ lets put the myth of the heroic participants of Uprising ´44 under investigation of the historian Martin Lacko:
„How is it possible that in the first year of the war against USSR the amount of deserting Slovak soldiers could be counted on the fingers of both hands but in the year 1944 within the national-liberation war the deserations after first two weeks were in such amount that uprising command had to threaten for desertation with execution? Why were the soldiers running away from the army in the time when it was generally known that Germany already lost the war and when the Red Army stood near the Slovak borders? Why was there necessity to treat soldiers with the most cruel penalties in this time?“
Lets ask in other way: Can we consider as heroes those who stolen the food supplies from the soft-hearted population and subsequently frivolously seclude to the mountains meanwhile just thanks to them there are punitive expeditions of the German Armed Forces crossing the villages, like it was in Mladoňov, Kľak, Ostrý Grúň or in Skýcov? Or perhaps have anyone heard about situation that partisans heroically rushed to help villagers to save them?
Thus if, according to given, the ethnic Slovaks were not heroes in the Uprising ´44 then were the heroes at least the Slovak Jews whose motivation to fight against Third Reich far exceeded the possible Slovak motivation? In the military reports we read: „Active participation of Jews in the first lines is scant and does not correspond to their amount in the army. But vice-versa they are in huge amount represented in more comfortable and safer places.“ – Therefore who are all those heroes of the national Uprising ´44?
We, The first generation of the Slovak youth after the 17th November 1989, due to the blatant personal lethargy of domestic participants and tactical-strategic carelessness of commanders of the Uprising ´44 – finally after seventy years – we refuse to celebrate risers and partisans as keen and for the thing of the Uprising ´44 as zealous heroic warriors!
Already seventy years you shamelessly wheedle our grandfathers, fathers and us that the Uprising ´44 was famous!
Some of the participants of the Uprising ´44 were ordinary murderers. During the Uprising ´44, same as before its beginning and also after it, they murdered around 2 000 innocent people. Participants of the Uprising ´44 have signed themselves under the bestial mass murders in Sklené, Sklabiná or in Kováčová and tracks of their glory we are finding also on tortured civilians in concentration camp in Slovenská Ľupča.
Or can we also celebrate with clear conscience and consider excellent the hideous acts of partisans among which belongs passion of the catholic priests Anton Šalát and Ján Nemec to the death, skinning alive the catholic priest Rudolf Scheda, sawing of catholic priest Martin Martinka by numerous sections from automats or cold-blooded murder of Imrich Teplan, the student of fifth grade of divinity?
Did the Uprising ´44 help to set the democracy? Did it save the state from plundering of the front? Did it protect the people against terror of the German Armed Forces? And did it save Jews from deportations? No, the Uprising ´44 was from all of this aspects useless because it did not avoid anything and it did not help anyone. On the contrary, thanks to the Uprising ´44 over Slovakia reigned terror and forced conscription of civilians to uprising lines, by the power of the Third Reich was renewed – by the Slovak government stopped – the evacuation of next 13 000 Jews and the only functional yeshiva in wide surrounding functioning in Nitra ceased to exist.
The Uprising ´44 created a criminal spawn in Banská Bystrica which in the mid of the catholic state became known as Slovak Sodom and Gomorrah where all the glory of the Uprising ´44 lied right before its outbreak in hectoliters of drunk alcohol and in a number of submissive harlots obliging risers and partisans. All that glory lived from the food reserves which had been created by working Slovak people and which the participants of the Uprising ´44 ostentatiously scattered right in Banská Bystrica but also elsewhere in the uprising area without heroic fight for their personal glory or the glory of their goals.
We, The first generation of the Slovak youth after the 17th November 1989, finally after seventy years from Slovak home are shouting out loud that slaughter 2 000 people and uselessly sacrifice lives of other thousands of people is not any glory – it is a shame of the Uprising ´44 which became for many individuals or groups mainly an opportunity to settle a personal debts with their victims or their own criminal activity.
Already seventy years you impassively lie to our grandfathers, fathers and us that the German Armed Forces beated the Uprising ´44 because they had miliraty superiority!
The German Armed Forces during suppression of the Uprising ´44 had not have superiority in the number of soldiers. We even cannot speak of the predominance in heavy weapons. Vice-versa, the risers with partisans were from 28. August to 27. October 1944 all the time in a large superiority.
Its command ordered a mobilization of all men under the age of 35 in the area on which the uprising army operated already on 30. August. To the amount of 18 000 involved soldiers of the Slovak army were added mobilized reservists so the uprising command had available at first 47 000 and later 60 000 men! To risers we have to add gradually increasing amount of partisans from four to maximum eighty thousand men. When it comes to armaments, participants of the Uprising ´44 had available about 46 000 guns, 4 000 submachine guns, 2 700 machine-guns, 41 tanks, 2 self-propelled guns, 3 armored trains, 34 aircrafts.
In contrast, the Third Reich started to liquidate bandits – as the Germans called the participants of the Uprising ´44 – with not more than 3 500 novice soldiers. The most units of the German Armed Forces were in Slovakia in the second half of October when the amount of men was around 32 000. Misleading are the claims that the Uprising ´44 employed eight special divisions of the German Armed Forces. In the year 1944 the command of the German Armed Forces did not designate by division the units which consisted from three full brigades, armored regiment, artillery etc. To the German command remained due to the number of men, due to the state of its morality and due to the quality of armament only fractions of real divisions to which the military experts reffer as to Schattendivision, i.e. only shadow divisions.
We even cannot speak about the lack of supply in the uprising area, since minister Karvaš took advantage of the allied bombing of Bratislava from 16. June 1944 in order to transpose most of the Slovak food and fuel reserves to Banská Bystrica with the consent of the highest state positions.
Not to mention the requisition of estates and material resources by risers and partisans from the local population everywhere where they appeared.
We, The first generation of the Slovak youth after the 17th November 1989, do not apportion the failure of the Uprising ´44 to the police intervention of the German Armed Forces, to the Emergency Units of the Hlinka Guard nor to that part of Slovak army which did not participate in the Uprising ´44 but – finally after seventy years – for the failure of the Uprising ´44 we blame the inner disinterest of its Slovak participants to fight heroically and also to die for the glory of the Uprising ´44 unlike the heroic and glorious manfulness of the Slovak nation who fought in the Slovak-Hungarian War (Little War) against Hungarian occupier to protect the renewed Slovak state!
Already seventy years in front of our grandfathers, fathers and us you are picturesquely boasting that the Uprising ´44 helped to the victory over the Third Reich!
From the aspect of the Second World War the Uprising ´44 was a marginal event since it binded less than 1% of the German Armed Forces to whom it caused not even 1 per mille of total losses. That is the reason why it is often not mentioned in comprehensive essays of western writers about the Second World War.
The Western allied powers did not care much of the success of the Uprising ´44 – only the Beneš Czechoslovak government-in-exile in London as on coup d´ État. On the other hand, the Uprising ´44 did not play any strategic role in the plans of Red Army of the Soviet Union in the progression to Berlin – unless – according to political strategic taste of generalissimo Stalin, the well-supplied Uprising ´44 did invoke and in full length caused a military occupation of whole Slovakia by the German Armed Forces and therefore psychologically set the Slovak population toward the Red Army as victim toward liberator. Only thanks to that in the first place the Uprising ´44 could come to attention of politically engaged communist public space of the Central Europe and Soviet sector.
Considering all occasions, including fact that by provoking the Uprising ´44 the economic help of Slovakia had to be increased for the war effort of the Third Reich, it is more likely that the Uprising ´44 rather helped the Third Reich than granted decisive or targeted blow which would contribute to its defeat.
We, The first generation of the Slovak youth after the 17th November 1989, finally after seventy years freely recognize that the Uprising ´44 was from the outer side used to lead the in advance lost struggle which served neither to the Slovak affair nor it had any part in defeating the war campaign of the Third Reich or nacism but it most significantly supported the interests of the Soviet Union and international communism in the post-war estabilishment of the Europe. In the light of this knowledge lets honor eighty thousand and the same number of maimed lives in the senseless Carpatho-Dukla Operation without distinction between the fighting side and with the needlessly shed blood we pour faces of those who are trying to excuse so many thwarted lives with perverse speech about the importance of their sacrifice!
Already seventy years you are bothering our grandfathers, fathers and us with delusion that president Tiso summoned the German Armed Forces against his own nation!
President Tiso did not wish the presence of units of the German Armed Forces in Slovakia what he already vouched for as a prime minister during negotiations with Germans about a form of a Treaty on the protective relationship between the German Empire and the Slovak State shortly after its formation.
The prime minister, Jozef Tiso, firstly at the negotiation with J. Burckel, Gauleiter of Westmark, refused with the phrase Wo ist mein Hut? a linked occupation of the northwest Slovakia up to the back of the western Carpathians on the line Baba-Jablunkov. He repeated his resolute no to Seyss-Inquart, Governor of Ostmark, and finally at first he also respectfully thanked Hitler for allowing Slovak state to exist and then he expressed his famous aber, i.e. but to the proposed occupation of the northwest Slovakia.
Finally the diplomatic mission headed by Jozf Tiso managed to negotiate that although the military administration on the designed area, so-called Schutzzone will be carried out by the Third Reich, however the area in other administrative affairs will underlie the Slovak governance.
Mons. Tiso already as president to the last moment refused the crossing of troops of the Third Reich further eastward from the Schutzzone line. However, at night from 27. To 28. August the district town Brezno nad Hronom became a target of ominous partisan malignity which was directed against representatives of the Slovak governance. František Slameň a member of the Slovak Diet fell victim to them and also other signifiant Slovak officials who were brutally slaughtered by partisans. President Tiso later stated in court: „If there was no such a case, for sure there would not be any word about intervention from our side…“
The recent numerous partisan provocation and final occupation of a factory for making gun carriages for the Third Reich in Ružomberok on 27. August were adequate partisan invitation for the German Armed Forces for intervention behind the Schutzzone line which president Tiso – shocked by the slaughter of Slovak officials – ultimately have had politically accepted.
We, The first generation of the Slovak youth after the 17th November 1989, after seventy years of blaming the innocent are thanking the President Tiso that he delayed the intervention of the German Armed Forces in Slovakia to the last moment and have had politically accepted it when it was obvious that armed disorder induced by organizers of the Uprising ´44 is threatening domestic Slovak and German population. And with sorrow we pronounce sincere regret to Slovak victims of this police intervention of the German Armed Forces in Slovakia but for their extinct lives we are blaming also the partisan commanders who according to their thrust against Volksdeutsche in Slovakia called the vengeance of the Third Reich upon Slovak blood!
Already seventy years you are unanimously blaming the president Tiso that he had been honoring murderers of the Slovak nation in Banská Bystrica!
„Slovak state is not liquidated and the Slovak nation is not burried. When we are confronted by the enemy saying that it happened thanks to the foreign help, then I am asking, with whos help did you go against the Slovak nation? When the Czechs, Frenchmen, Serbs and members of various tribes from whole Russia arrived wasn´t that onrush of foreigners against Slovak state? But there is one difference, while we were taking a care of saving our homeland you went for the prey that should be bloody and fatal for Slovaks. That is a big difference.“ (Jozef Tiso)
President Jozef Tiso honored soldiers in Banská Bystrica who haven´t committed any murder against civil population. Thanks to this he miligated the planned reprisals of the German Army Command that should just take place at the opportunity of definitive suppression of the Uprising ´44 – General and Commander of German Police, Hermann Hoffle, planned to execute hundreds of civilians as a warning and to transport thousands of captured risers to the area of Third Reich. President Tiso as a wonderful statesman finally managed to persuade General Hoffle to abstain from this action in exchange that he himself will honor certain number of soldiers who participated in the Uprising ´44.
Subsequently, President Tiso as a Roman Catholic priest and the highest representative of the Slovak state served a silent mass for dead and fallen, thus equally for the victims of the Uprising ´44 and for the murdured participants of the Uprising ´44 without distinction of belligerent.
In his speech that followed the silent mass, in the introduction he compares his visit to Banská Bystrica as a prime minister after the declaration of Slovak authonomy with current visit and openly admits in front of the assembly: „And I came again to Banská Bystrica. Truly, you see on me and I see on you how differently seems this visitation.“
In his speech of Banská Bystrica president Tiso next describes what the Uprising ´44 brought Slovakia and compares it with crimes of Bolshevism in Ukraine: „Demolished bridges, destroyed roads, burned houses, people wandering down the streets and I can see on you how awful marks have left that promised ,paradise´ in your hearts. What I have seen here on our roads I once saw in Ukraine. Crowds of hopelessly rolling people who had no idea where they are going, from whos faces there could not be seen smile, whos mouth did not give any confidence because enslaved Ukrainian people after the quarter of a century of Bolshevism yoke have lost their human effigy. And Slovaks, you have been in that ,paradise´ for two months. That was a paradise! (...) Boys were walking around you, beating and killing everyone who crossed their path. Well I think that all of you Slovaks have enough of this paradise. You have an adequate memory for saying that Slovak never ever wishes this kind of ,paradise´.“
We, The first generation of the Slovak youth after the 17th November 1989, after seventy years finally absolutly do not reproach president Jozef Tiso for honoring the soldiers on 30. October in Banská Bystrica for the suppression of the Uprising ´44 since he avoided next harassment of Slovak Nation thanks to this statesmanlike act! For what is more worthy – few pieces of tin or even only one saved human life?
Already seventy years you tattle nonsense about how the Uprising ´44 opened a „window“ into democratic Europe to Slovakia!
Representatives of Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party had a decisive influence on the Slovak government who had a long-term support of the Slovak nation, while in the year 1938 the support of the party significantly increased.
For so-called Slovak National Council (SNR), which figured as a representative of the Slovak nation during the Uprising ´44, nobody voted. It was a group of usurpers in which half were Communists who promoted not democracy but dictatorship.
Since Slovak National Council prohibited Hlinka´s Slovak People´s Party, for whos joint candidacy voted 97% of voters in the year 1938, it was by its nature antidemocratic. Claim that antidemocratic regime was opening a windiw to democracy is nonsense, for not everything that was antifascist was automatically democratic where as an example can serve the antifascist Soviet Union of Stalin.
Through interest groups of initiators of the Uprising ´44 there came up not only to rejection and negation of a state independence of Slovakia, for which stood most of the Slovak nation, but it also came up to rejection of regime of notional democracy in Slovakia since the period of the Uprisng ´44 there was represented with a gun in a hand the future totalitarian system, so-called People´s Democracy and Communism which fully developed after the year 1948.
We, The first generation of the Slovak youth after the 17th November 1989, must procaim after seventy years also for all mute people that the Uprising ´44 started a cruel forty year period of Slovak unfreedom, persecution and targeted liquidation of a Slovak intelectual and moral elite while Slovakia disappeared from the map of Europe and was mastered by the Communist totalitarianism!
Already 22 years, despite the listed facts, you are forcing us, The first generation of the Slovak youth after the 17th November 1989, to celebrate initial date of outbreak of the Uprising ´44, - and therefore the 29. August – as a public holiday in Slovak republic!
On a date 29. September 1992 you adopted in Slovak National Council an Act no. 489 about the proclamation of 29. August as a public holiday in Slovak republic with statement: „(SNR) Aware of meaning of the Slovak national uprising in which the Slovak nation rose up to the fight against totalitarianism, oppression, racism, fascism, suppression of human and civil rights and regardless to victims it expressed a desire to live freely and espoused to a reference of whole antifascist resistance...“
The explanatory report to the Act contradictory, in the period of creation of the second Slovak republic, underthrust to a sense of the public holiday that by it we should also celebrate an idea of fighting against Slovak state independence when it literally states: „On the day 29. August 1944 the Slovak people and members of nations living in Slovakia rose up against totalitarian regime as well as against Nazi occupier with an idea to create a liberal democratic Czechoslovakia.“ And this inner contradiction of legalized public holiday persists in successor Act of National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 241/1993 from 20. October 1993 till today, even in the time of legal existence of Slovak state independence!
While, valued former and some present members of the lawmaking body, you were not adopting this Act as proud and famous representants of emerging sovereign state but, as one of the promoters of Act admitted, Mr. Pavol Kanis from Democratic Left Party, - into which by the way the former communists got infiltrated, - you acted like vassals of Washington, who in the year 1992 demanded from you: „...activation of Slovak foreign policy by a wide propagation of democatic, human, cultural traditions of Slovakia at the international policy scene,“ and whom you left in your persons to blackmail whole Slovak republic from fear of comparing specificities of Slovakia with masaryk-beneš tradition of deformed democracy of Czech republic, therefore you re-baptized the so-called Slovak national uprising into democatic a this mercyful lie of yours born from your shameless cowardness which you clothed into assumption that Slovak „democratic forces owes one to another the creation of Slovak national Uprising as a public holiday“!
In the decisive moment you irresponsibly seized the myth of so-called Slovak national uprising as well as communists would have done before you right after the war in Slovakia to emphasize their constructed share on the change of the regime ass well as liberal communists seized the myth of so-called Slovak national uprising at the end of 60´s so they could demand in the framework of Czechoslovakia at least a feudal status for Slovakia which thanks to the Uprising ´44 lost its hard reached and by blood of defenders from Little war baptized state independence and ceased to exist!
It seems like some of the Slovak social elite are circling in the ring of 29. August 1944 for decades in an imaginary blind man´s buff game as if they never wanted to be „knocked out of the game“.
Valued former and some present members of the lawmaking body, you failed right during placing the basic building stones of a renewed statehood! Or as Mr. parliamentarian Neuwirth noted in front of you at parlamentary debate: „With your permission I will cite a few lines from a letter from Basic Oragization of the Union of Antifascist Fighters dated on 22.7.1992... ,The best sons of our nations, participants of the antifascist fight were obtained to the service of ZNB (National Security Corps) and army.´ That is all for the first quote. And now second: ,Aren´t they ashame to call the best sons of nation of those who were beating people during hearings, manipulated investigations, falsified protocols and caused condemnation of innocent people for thousands of years and sent them to gallows. This should be the best sons of nation?!´ With this words the member of Confederation of Political Prisoners of Slovakia reacted on the first mentioned quote. One and the same event invoke contradictory ideas and associations. Nay, it even invoke sometimes hostile attitude of our people.
Valued former and some present members of the lawmaking body, you didn´t want to see how contradictory event you proclaimed as a public holiday 22 years ago. However, we will remind you especially in front of young generation by a words of Mr. parliamentarian Neuwirth: „On one hand it was a fight for renewal of Czechoslovak republic, a fight against brown totalitarianism, against German nazism, fulfillment of combat tasks of Soviet airdrops and units in Slovakia, strengthening of the position of London government-in-exile, strengthening of the position of moscow group and communists in Slovakia and in whole Czechoslovak republic. However, there were also opposite motives for the participation in fight, for example the defense of Slovak statehood, defense of president of Slovakia dr. Jozef Tiso against Germans who were according to the report threatening him in Bratislava. And a final fulfillment of military oath of faithfulness given to Slovak state. Most ofen it was simple fulfillment of a military oath on one or another side... And ultimately it was also calculating political and economic greed that leaded some people into the Slovak national uprising but not into fightings.“
If you needed very urgently 22 years ago a humanistic public holiday to match with masaryk-beneš tradition of deformed democracy of the second successor state of Czechoslovakia, why didn´t you reach for the 8. February 1627 just like you were derisively recommended at the parliamentary debate by Mr. parliamentarian Fekete?
„If we should choose as a public holiday an event which is well known to Europe than we should reach deeper in the history and stop on a date 8. February 1627. What happened on that day? It seems that nothing great, but, judging that event by current political and ethical criteria, as well as is the entry to Europe often and richly proclaimed, globalization, or the significant historical deposit into universal spirituality, nevertheless something revolutionary, historically valuable, humanely, unrepeatable and unique happened. On that day was used for the first time in the history of mankind a gunpowder, thus gun with high-parameter of destructiveness for the peaceful purposes. Gunpowder, as we know, was invented by Chinese. For the first time they used it as a gun in 1232 against Mongols during the defense of Beijing. From this moment it was nearly for whole four centuries used only for killing, slaying and slaughtering. And suddenly unexpectedly there appears something let´s say renaissance, philosophically new, revelatory, clever – a gun can become a working tool and standard working aid. It was due to men from Banská Štiavnica who, on a date 8. February 1627 next to crosscut named Daniel in upper Bieber tunnel in mine of count Montecuccoli, used a gunpowder, until then it was apocalyptic human invention for splitting the rocks and simplification of human labor.“
Valued former and some present members of the lawmaking body, when you managed to change a coat so fast that you haven´t got a time to undress also an iron shirt and when you were rushing in such a rocket tempo into that democratic Europe, it is more than clear that you didn´t care of Slovakia and by proclaiming 29. August as a public holiday you wanted to celebrate the idea of fighting against Slovak state independence indeed – moreover, 22 years of celebrating this holiday by your successors, proves us, The first generation of the Slovak youth after the 17th November 1989, right.
After all, at first The North Atlantic Council let Slovakia join the Military Administration of (1) Transatlantic Military Union known as NATO on 5. February 2004. Subsequently, Brusel annexed Slovakia to its (2) European Economic Union on 1. May 2004 as another regional gravity market for a demand for their overproduction of trash and to (3) Schengen Territorial Union as a space for distribution of homestead of non-European immigrants. By accepting Eurocurrency the Slovak yes-men continued to betray Slovak nation when they let Slovakia join (4) Single Monetary and Financial Union on 1. January 2009. 1. December 2009, after signing of Treaty of Lisbon Slovakia was plunged into pan-European (5) Constitutional Law Union, and finally domestic minions done everything to create (6) Central Fiscal Union on 22.6.2012 so the anschluss of Slovakia by western banks was accomplished.
In this light we understand why do you celebrate so famously 29. August even nowdays and in chorus are shaking heads that the Uprising ´44 event cannot be subjected to revision. After all, the Uprising ´44 is the revolutionary tradition on which you base all of your other lunges against the real interests and needs of our Slovakia and our Slovak nation!
We, The first generation of the Slovak youth after the 17th November 1989, finally after seventy years already as free generation consider the 29. August 1944 dies ater – a black day of Slovakia – thanks to which, among other things, started the liquidation of Slovak intelligence which honestly grew in harsh Slovak conditions for three generations wrought by strick morality and eternal values such as God, Thuth and fidelity to Slovak nation!